some meaningless words



She was a witch of prodigious skill and possessed of much gold.

Time to kick it up a notch. Ready? -Ready.

The lion on the other hand is a cat, and cats are very quick, very agile, very fast animals.

General, the idea’s to avoid panic, not precipitate it.

It’s a heart pendant from the jeweler at the mall.

As a lover of ornithology, you’re well-versed in animal behavior.

And how many men have been enslaved to build your bridge.

Stop right now and we won’t countersue you for filling a frivolous lawsuit.

Of more than 1000 contenders worldwide, only seven were picked.

We were all deceived by his, I might say, elegant artifice.

The pandas hold their first British audience spellbound.

Now, one will bequeath the $24 million in personal property to Mrs. Ashbaugh.

Your body is now open to every conceivable type of infection.

I’ll have the toast with butter, too, please.

Yeah, his chart says he fell into a persistent vegetative state 16 years ago.

The acoustic features are also similar.

The females no longer have the energy to incubate.

He had a Jeep and a golden retriever that wore a bandanna.

But he was very charming and charismatic.

He raised both his arms in a hieratic gesture.

As peculiar and annoying as you can be, you’re still my little buddy.

My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.

Do you realized this penny was minted during World War II.

The G is made with the back of tongue touching the soft palate.

It’s uncanny, to dream that same awful dream, night after night.

But I won’t rely on the transient nature of chemicals for my happiness.

Berlin at that time was the most vibrant city in central Europe.

People are swimming in frigid water for fun and for health.

Only two kinds exist today — the redwood and the giant sequoia.

Natasha is a top attorney and specializes in family law.

Be polite, be courteous, follow the cultural rules of place you’re at.

He was a strong fighter and a courageous man.

I’ll put some sand in a bucket with a shovel.

Mars —- dry and arid. It’s got no water.

Now the quicker a fruit or vegetable respires, the quicker it repens.

He stroked the phoenix’s beautiful scarlet-and-gold plumage.

Death is about theme, mood, motif, emotional aesthetic.

And with many other words John exhorted the people and preached the good news to them.

I’m worried I’ll lose my watch because the strap is so loose.

Poland has asked for a NATA force of two brigades, or 5000 soldiers.

Your words have delineated very prettily a graceful Apollo.

Strickland perplexed me. I could not understand his motives.

Most things produced within the garden are edible.

You’ve mounted a crusade against a metal thing that shoots out water.

Since the shooting, the policemen have been hailed as heroes.

I assume his goal is to stir up a antagonism.


Elephents, gorillas and snakes all live in the jugle.

Suddenly I am glad we fell down that ravine.

With tanks of air on their backs, scuba divers are able to dive deep into the sea.

She generally lies in a kind of lethargy all the afternoon, and wakes up about six or seven.

David, I want you to form a clinet retention working group. Bring our clients back home.

I failed to eschew evil, but i’m trying.

Climate changes move slowly, which is part of its calamitous power.

This time we have more time, so we directly test the water with our apparatus.

It’s impossible to leave him in that wretched hole.


He died of a rupture of blood vessels

I’m very sorry, but Maria is in seclusion.

Porcupines are nocturnal. They sleep during the day.

Pinch me, so I’ll know I’m not dreaming.

Yes, the fire had been kindled some time, and burnt well.

Kennedy was inaugurated in 1961 when he was only 43.

You think I’m being altruistic? I’m doing it for me, man.

I wanted to end patriarchal control over women’s bodies.

The nature of life is not permanence but flux.

Harry paused to watch them, for the effecct was quite mesmerizing.

Rahal came into power via a military coup.

Mercury is an unusual element. Mercury is metal.

Beer and wine are fermented.

These include the lips, larynx, tongue and jaw.

It is a mural depicting black female writers.

Wormtail beckoned Frank into the room.

She lacks obedience. Can’t follow oders.

Huizhou people who are gourmets can truly appreciate hairy tofu.

People are predictable, unchanging, monotonous.

The puppets clap when the puppet master pulls the strings.

octopus are curious creatures.

For a long time, Harry lay staring up at the dark canopy of his bed.

In a symmetrical oblong shape.

We are going to check the preimeter of the house.

This is a catalyst that can use the energy of light to split up water.

My professional prospects are quite bleak in general.

We’re supposed to find a fair and equitable settlement, Louis.

I work in a grocery store.

Oh yeah. Thanks again for releasing me from her captivity.

He might also have a pronounced limp.

The focus of silver craftsmanship was on dinner ware.

I see no conclusive cause of death.

He should not have teeth in his upper jaw either.

In temperate seas, there may actually be more squid than fish.

There’s pork bone stew on the stove.

Dagby worked the customs line for incoming international flights at LAX.

Rhinoceroses love to wallow in mud.

She’s been dogged in her persuit for public corruption.

When I saw Rob, I saunteered over to say hello.

Cough syrup.

And if we’re very lucky, we might see the elusive Northern Lights themselves.

The Grasshopper continues to sing and dance all summer long.

To the medieval clergy, these divine numbers were created by God.

Hundreds of thousands of women are battered, afraid to come forward.

We have a Democratic majority in the legislature now, haven’t we?

Does the rat race always detract from the good life.

The kitchen was small and rather cramped.

What makes you so venturesome and hardy.

Removing it could deform my face or damage my health.

Skating is easy, Peppa. Just push with your feet and glide

She would play peaceful music to soothe our aching hearts.

Mammoths were not the only animals to disapper.

She had several bruises on her arm.

And that eggshell protects the developing embryo.

Wispy strands of white hair fringed the broad bald dome of his forehead above a kindly face.

And I subdued his entire army.

I had 12 stitches in the back of my head.

A pheromone is a chemical signal from one animal to another.

Bagels are often served with smoked.

But the thermal imaging camera uses temperature too.

‘Ah! You’re a lady! The spur on my boot has got tied up with your dress.

I deliver things. I am a courier.

Robert Adam was the most celebrated and prolific architect of his day.

Many of its most sumptuous furnishings are in Buckingham Palace today.

  • sumptuary,sumptuous,sumption,consumption,exumption

My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes.

  • congregate, segregate, aggregate

You look at that box and you see it only as a receptacle for the tacks.

He planed to destroy the old hunting lodge.

That’s the enzyme that breaks down milk sugars for easy digestion.

You forget essential points in pursuing trifles.

Ron had stoopped down and picked up something silver.

A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds.

Several large spiders were scurrying across the earth.

People will always appreciate a specific comment more than a generic comment.

The true shape of Earth is called an oblate spheroid.

We’re the experts. He’ll look like a novice next to us.

Our flying altitude is 7000 feet.

Huangjiu’s flavor is thick and strong and it stays for long.

Some herds travel over 2,000 miles a year in search of fresh pastures.

He was a menace. Get rid of him.

I smear my lipstick on Burt’s collar.

In April it nearly doubled its tally of GDP to $510 billion.

Smoking is a detriment to people’s health.

But to cope with the concomitant risks, sports need to be run as transparent, rigorous businesses.


Diablo was just realeased on parole last week.

Squids’s inventive adaptations have allowed them to proliferate for over 500 million years.

Priya just made a snide comment about your acting career.

The government says it’s killed 70 rebel fighters.

“Professor, can you hear me?’’ he repeated loudly, his voice echoing around the cavern.

They’re more concerned right now of recouping the cost of Ford plant here.

These people knew how to make lethal weapons.

Where to begin? With your constant absenteeism.

Because the word “secretary” has fallen into disrepute.

With the crew’s assent, I ask for time to find a more suitable beach.

What we fear is the judgement and ridicule of others.

Uh, wounds look similar, same lateral incisions. /侧面的

Type 1 diabetes have to use insulin injections.

I am the owner of proprietor of this house.

None of these people have any criminal inclinations.

I fell down an elevator shaft.

It’s a headlight-bulb fragment. Filament‘s still there.

Gull eggs are an important type of food for the Huna Tlingit.

Many families expect their children to marry and continue the filial line.

Its orbit is highly elliptical.

You can’t redeem a lie with more lies.

The eastern suburbs of Barking epitomises multi-cultural London.

The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.

Women love mystery, buddy. You gotta, you gotta be aloof. Promise me that you will stay away.

Her bed is of sturdy construction.

Plate tectonics were also crucial to human history.

There was only a small part of his estate that Sir Walter could dispose of; but had every acre been alienable, it would have made no difference.

It is unclear what set of the stampede.

They put a spear into Jasper Jordan’s chest.

No, some of us have never run afoul of any international laws.

Pycelle had spoken truly; it made for ponderous reading.

Or heroes who died in battle might receive a posthumous medal.

Male bison weigh in at one ton.

Girder collapsed at my last construction job, crushed my leg.

We, the jury, find the defendant guilty.

They’re still interrogating the suspect.

Each journey involves yet another trek across the hot dessert.

These guys can prosecute you for a crime.

Pepper says penmanship is a lost art.

My physical body is safely ensconced in a secure, undisclosed location.

He says we should look out the window. There’s a crescent moon out tonight.


No, some of us have never run afoul of any international laws.

Stop right now and we won’t countersue you for filling a frivolous lawsuit.

Uh, no lead in pencils; it’s graphite.

I’m afraid I have to concur with my advisor, Wisdom Hallyne.


Chancellor Merkel spke to President Putin on the phone.

Well, I usually drink red wine, but I think I’ll try a cider.

I ushered him into the library, and then i went upstairs.

Your abbreviations are becoming borderline indecipherable.

You got a knack for killing.

I see her as a very attractive, wonderous kind of very angular, slim person.

Amenities“ are facilities, things that you can use; a gym, a sauna, a spa.

Instead, steer your ship into the choppy seas.


I’m clearly the protagonist in your film.

No, some of us have never run afoul of any international laws.

The steam opens up my pores.

Purple and gold hues can be seen as well.

They tend to be violent or at least deviant.

Our name is derivation of “long”, the Old English word for “tall”.

In order for our man to infiltrate that organization, his cover had to be absolute.

He campaigned for the abolition of slavery.

As you know, I am loath to admit it, but we actually needed you.

I’m here to ask the court to quash the subpoena issued to Assistant Director Cooper without delay.

You just blink to keep your eyes moist.

His athletic career was foreshortened by a knee injury.

Oh, he wants to remodel the kitchen before move-in.

They store fat in their spiny tails which fuels them in times of famine.

Your brakes work on hydraulic power.

Because she is a sick and venomous liar who toyed with his emotions.

These young ladies brought up with gentility showed great elegance in their behavior.

Human cells are made up of proteins, nucleic acids and membranes.

There are as many tactile receptors in a pig’s snout as there are in human hands.

He won the presidency. {n.}

He mused — for ten minutes he held counsel with himself.

I entreat you. Accept me as your husband.

—- “Show me, show me the path!” I entreated of Heaven.

“You got married!” Harry yelped, looking from her to Lupin.

Every time they get near the Sun and start outgasing, they lose mass.

That’s hearsay. It’s not proof.

The whole structure is encased in concrete and then moved into position.

Today the theatre is closed for restoration.

The olfactory sense is the strongest memory trigger.

In a fit of pique, he smashed his model to pieces.

The only downside is having to live in the middle of nowhere.

I’d rather walk naked through the fiery flames of hell.

Many Aboriginal Australians do not like the idea of a day to celebrate the British landing.

Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there.

You should tuck in your shirttail.

There’s no room for spontaneity. It is all gone from our lives.

Bees and butterflies pollinate our food, flowers and trees.

Retreat! Retreat! The army was moing out.

Sire, if we continue to do nothing, their depredations will only spread.

But the naked eye is usually blind to infrared radiation.

The human body starts to decompose around four minutes after death.

They face a long and arduous journey south.

Human life is ephemeral, which makes it precious.

These types of jobs encompass roughly 40% of the US workforce.

Warm water came out of the faucet.

Sure, iron absorption is great, but what about cancer.

Chimpanzees are out closest relatives.

The winner this year was South Africa, much to the chagrin of San Francisco.

You let her take advantage of you. You groveled. It was sad.

Well, the body’s already reached ambient temperature.

The thing they had in common was their belief in the transcendent power of art.


She’s been arrested on drug and prostitution.

Someone reported prostitution. Either her or your old man.

It’s an impenetrable wall of grey.

You told me your part-time job was temporary.

Temporal 这个词通常用来描述与时间有关的特性,比如时间的流逝、持续性或者与世俗、非永恒的事物相关。


It is a traditional society in which the kinship group is very important.

To me, croissants are the epitome of French baking.

They have no power, Sir. It’s illusory. - Illusions can be very powerful.

Raymond Chandler was an early voice describing the anomie of urban life in the years after WW2.

And also the group was well-known for running for a time a slick English-language propaganda campaign.

This is a beautiful prelude by Chopin.

It’s clear I’ve caused you significant emotional distress.

You need a barber who knows how to cut black hair.

This is a catalyst that can use the energy of light to split up water.

He might also have a pronounced limp.

The forerunner of all modern laser technology.

Quartz is a hard, colorless mineral.

Hagrid seized his umbrella and whirled it over his head.

And, uh, there’s a motel just down the turnpike.

For the French, finding just the right perfume is a personal quest.

Perhaps you should heed your representation’s advice.

I spearheaded that campaign.

A specific job hunt will be more efficient than a haphazard one.

You have to really enunciate. No. No.


Arthur was the most single-minded chivalrous, patriotic man on earth.

“Hippocorate himself actually postulated this idea in nearly 400 B.C.”

This year’s upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation.

Plants may seem passive and inactive, but, in fact, they move.

I’ve got a block of metal here.

And adobe houses are still being built.

It was winter, the season of frost and death.

There is a traffic camera at the last intersection.

Yeah, I’m not familiar with the acronym “KMN” - From the context, we think it means “kill me know”.

Imagine the interplay between the trillions upon trillions of atoms.

Yeah, he used to have his recurring nightmare, just really freaked him out.

Sure enough, he could see the moon through that cascade.

assembly, resemble

Your first joint interview, when your husband was running for state assembly in ‘86.

Everything is mercantile calculation.

Think about how your house was built or your kitchen renovated.

Surely you have enough money for postage.

It’s a physical manifestation of the loss of hope.

Today’s date is September the 15th.

Africa is almost completely surrounded by oceans.

Limestone is like a sponge full of holes.

The shadows begin to lengthen, do they?

She has severe muscular atrophy.

And Joe was empolyed to look after him.

Dany heard the snap of Jhogo’s whip, saw the leather lick out and coil around the wineseller’s leg.

Could you plant new gourds with those seeds? I assume so.

He didn’t seem like a fraud; he was very congenial.

On nights and weekends, they’re just sitting there idle.

Reciprocity, Mr. Hudgens, is the key to every relationship.

A passing wagon had left a deep rut in the street.

I’ll get to see his face when he reads his dad’s obituary.

You talk about equality; you talk about overcoming racism.

Her father is a very powerful, very influential man.

Malfoy was smirking so broadly his cold eyes were reduced to slits.

He worries that could make foam tips less pliant and so more dangerous.

You lie down on the ground and ask people to trample on you.

The mortgage-bond market is fraudulent.

Wedges are shoes or boots with a triangular wedge-shaped heel and flats are a woman’s shoe with no heel.

Most patients experience only mild or moderate sickness.

Here are six top tips for tailoring a tantalizing cover letter.

So your mirth is merely a discharge of nervous energy with no semantic content at all?


So you did you bring the washing powder.

Today, the mountains are an idyllic holiday destination.

And I thought that epitomized perfectly what everybody thought animation had to be at the time.

Synchronize your clocks. The time is now 9:45 a.m.

These tiny bubbles of gas give a vital clue to the genesis of the islands.

Here are six top tips for tailoring a tantalizing cover letter.

She suffered only minor injuries.

His voice was one of the most distinctive on the BBC.

Read this and follow me to economic enlightenment and power.

It’s this little cabin in the hill country. Rustic charming, very romantic.

The professor will deliver a discourse on the poetic style of John Keats.

Your braid‘s coming loose. Come here.

We’re just buying flowers. - Those daisies are nice.

He laments that scientists have largely ignored the concept of love.

For a complete catalog of our lighting products, visit our website.

She found it difficult to control the muscles of her face.

Liquid oozes from the flower’s center and trickles down the petals.

The fire suit can withstand heat up to 1,300 degrees.

Bones might seem rock-solid, but they’re actually quite porous inside.

We make choices in life… - save your platitudes.

I reckon there’s a job vacancy coming up.

After a few minutes, you’ll probably get drowsy and fall asleep.

The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.

Just occasionally, there is a gigantic bonanza.

A new breed of teacher-trainers is founding a rigorous science of pedagogy.

The other was a sidebar about Robert Ransom’s record-breaking performance.


need to filter out the spam emails from my inbox to find the important ones.

The website has a strict policy against posting pornography and will ban users who violate it.

The new strategy is implementable and has a clear plan for execution.

Understanding the hypernyms of a word helps us grasp its broader classification in the language.

The word ‘happy’ has many synonyms, such as ‘joyful’ and ‘content’.

Every morning, she looked forward to the flaky, buttery taste of a freshly baked croissant with her coffee.


So please enjoy a four-hour redition of the theme song from Ssanford and Son.

He drifts down the river ans sails out to sea.

It’s a natural habitat for the polar bear.

And cooked meat is easier to chew.

As a child, he had an affinity for setting fires.

So I had to do a comparative study of the alternatives.

drift, affinity

They don’t know who was an ally of America in World War II.

I never could guess a riddle in my life.

And thanks God we don’t pay for utilities.

I just found a schematic for the truck.

Semiotics. The study of signs and symbols. It’s a branch of philosophy related to linguistics.

I never could guess a riddle in my life.

Code will only compile and run if it’s 100 percent free of spelling and syntactic errors.

I want him receptive to her offer.

The editor removed some of the excess verbiage from the article.

He’d made a name for himself by winning sensational trials.

It would exempt you from the rules. Give you freedom, absolve you of responsibility.

I suspect it has to do with a paucity of physical evidence.

I said “fight” and “night” because they rhymed.

I lead a sedentary life. I don’t take enough exercise.

Sea salt is the result of evaporation of seawater.

You have bony, sharp fingers.

A simile directly compares two things, using the words “like” and “as”.


I spilled juice on the rug. Please don’t tell Mama.

To allow ourselves simply to acquiescence in skepticism or in complacence, Kant wrote, can never suffice to overcome the restlessness of reason.

We spent about two hours before this…extolling the virtues of the Nokia 6310.

An asteroid from outer space wiped out the dinosaurs.

He says that there is an unbridgeable gap between the rich and poor in the country.

Mr Fields, never make a plan in haste.

I’ve always respected your business acumen.

And the Senate chooses the vice president.

Thurday afternoon’s lesson proceeded in the usual way.

Are you living the life you evisioned for yourself.

Today, drinking water is managed separately from sewage treatment.

The government tracks chemical residues on our fruits and vegetables.

I will not watch your TV. I will not listen to your stero.

Erm, is there any more gin, sir?

Like Booth, he supported the southern Confederacy during the Civil War.

The metal, brass, has a color similar to that of gold.

This tail is a vestige.

Most American schools have gymnasiums where students can exercise.

An arrow connects a head (governor, superior, regent) with a dependent (modifier, inferior, subordinate)


And if it was self-defense, she’ll be acquitted.

Maybe he can draw something that he can’t verbalize.

Semiotics. The study of signs and symbols. It’s a branch of philosophy related to linguistics.

I just found a schematic for the truck.

I lead a sedentary life. I don’t take enough exercise.

I suspect it has to be do with a paucity of physical evidence.

He’d made a name for himself by winning sensational trials.

We spent about two hour before this.. extolling the virtues of the Nokia 6310.

To quote Shakespeare, “The quality of mercy is not strained”.

An asteroid from outer space wiped out the dinosaurs.

I’ve always respected your businees acumen.

And the Senate chooses the vice prisident.

Today, drinking water is managed separately from sewage treatment.

A specific job hunt will be more efficient than a haphazaaard one.

And adobe houses are still being built.

There is a traffic camera at the last intersection.

Imagine the interplay between the trillions upon trillions of atoms.

Sure enough, he could see the moon through that cascade.

Your first joint interview, when your husband was running for state assembly in 86.

Think about how you house was built, or you kitchen renovate.

Almond are a great source of magnesium, a mineral which helps you sleep.

It’s a maize porridge, which happens to a staple in most East African countries.

He later annulled Henry’s marrige to Catherine of Aragon.

This tail is vestige.

Hey, can I get a gin and tonic?

Most American school has gymnasium where students can exercise.

Like Booth, He supported the Southern Confederacy during the Cival War.

Growth hormone are necessary for physical growth in children.

He had a astonishingly bule eyes, like pale sapphires.

The ants go marching two by two.

My killer is already dead, but his sister is just as culpable.

I met, along the river bank,s a troupe of country dancers.

Spain confiscated the gold, and said it was government property.x

Hormony and concord between the two sides. I’m inspired.

Then we should schedule him for vascular surgery.


What’s the rush

I think you always wanted me to be this light, happy, bouncy, “everything’s fine” L.A. wife and that’s just not me.

You always wanted to have a wife without the challenges of dealing with anything real. I’m glad that you found someone. It’s perfect.

I had all the papers sent to you attorney, who, by the way, is a total dick. He was relived to get them. Think we saved him from a massive heart attack. So we can both feel really good about that.

I’ve been thinking about the other day when I was spinning out about you going to see Catherine, and that she has a body and how bothered I was about the ways you and I are different.

She’s hilarious. I had no idea.

Well, I found something that I thought could be fun. It’s a service that privides a surrogate sexual partner for an OS-human relationship.

So she’s like a prostitute or .. ?

A plethora of algorithms



